Leica Camera Backpack What's A Good Digital Camera With A Good Lens (maybe Leica) For Around $100?

What's a good digital camera with a good lens (maybe leica) for around $100? - leica camera backpack

I have always and will always be of photographic film (Leica), a photographer, but I want a cheap digital camera for decent non-art. Lumix cameras are the Leica lens good? Lenses in a manner similar to Leica? What are some good cameras in the range of 100-150? Is there somewhere I can go to see examples of pictures taken with various cameras on the net?


Diverging Point said...

If it works for Leica cameras are used, then you will be very satisfied with any digital camera cheap disappointed. They come nowhere near the quality of a Leica 35mm camera (or a good camera film, incidentally). It would be a big step backwards.

) Cheap digital cameras (such as point and digital cameras have about the same quality as the 110 were like film cameras.

You can get a decent digital camera for snapshots of around $ 100, but nothing comparable to what you can get from a Leica ... or any other good quality film camera manual.

I know I would have turned thumbs-down to say so. That's good. True. I can not believe she had aLeica digital point and shoot camera. I mean, why? I use almost exclusively for the film all my photos (size 35mm and 120 films) in rolls and I love it. I have an 8 megapixel digital camera, but most use it only for snapshots when I'm with my friends. I do not even try to replace my 35mm SLR and rangefinder cameras, with him. It would be a retrograde step. And forget about trying in any case, replace a medium format camera with a film P & S digital camera to ... in any way.

If you only have a camera, light and small for casual snapshots of friends and family who want to then yes, you can get a decent digital camera for about $ 150. If you get a zoom, so be sure to optical zoom, not digital zoom. But even here noN'T expected that the body of a Leica. It's good for your comfort and you can take decent pictures with a digital camera ... but certainly not as a substitute for the camera quality of the film policy considered.

Polyhist... said...

Lumix cameras with Leica lenses are excellent cameras. I have a tendency to believe that buying a used digital at places like eBay and Craigslist is like buying a used toothbrush. I think it would be wiser for a new camera, which was discontinued as a donut-made changes to the model search. Recently, I saw a whole new Lumix $ 125 for more MP and a great zoom range is good enough, he was suspended from HH Gregg. Visit Web capabilities Fry's Electronics.

Failure of enthusiasm for the concept of the Leica lenses. Other digital have excellent glass. Samsung and Kodak (at least some Kodak cameras) have Schneider lenses and cameras from Sony often use Zeiss lenses. In a recent discussion with a largeManufacturer of digital cameras, I was told that Samsung has about 80% of point and compact, practical, it seems like scale often prevent a manufacturer who lead a variety of different models that offer.

You do not know who is who in those days. Hasselblad will now be manufactured by Fuji, his goals are - but it's not a bad thing. Fuji glass is excellent.

I would say that they intend to be used Leica glass, it better to stick with Leica. I do not believe that someone you know can make the difference between a picture with a different brand and one of removed with Leica. You are free to think whatever they want, but I have 15 years long with any of the above manufacturers of lenses andI would not say that one of them.

Polyhist... said...

Lumix cameras with Leica lenses are excellent cameras. I have a tendency to believe that buying a used digital at places like eBay and Craigslist is like buying a used toothbrush. I think it would be wiser for a new camera, which was discontinued as a donut-made changes to the model search. Recently, I saw a whole new Lumix $ 125 for more MP and a great zoom range is good enough, he was suspended from HH Gregg. Visit Web capabilities Fry's Electronics.

Failure of enthusiasm for the concept of the Leica lenses. Other digital have excellent glass. Samsung and Kodak (at least some Kodak cameras) have Schneider lenses and cameras from Sony often use Zeiss lenses. In a recent discussion with a largeManufacturer of digital cameras, I was told that Samsung has about 80% of point and compact, practical, it seems like scale often prevent a manufacturer who lead a variety of different models that offer.

You do not know who is who in those days. Hasselblad will now be manufactured by Fuji, his goals are - but it's not a bad thing. Fuji glass is excellent.

I would say that they intend to be used Leica glass, it better to stick with Leica. I do not believe that someone you know can make the difference between a picture with a different brand and one of removed with Leica. You are free to think whatever they want, but I have 15 years long with any of the above manufacturers of lenses andI would not say that one of them.

GC said...

I agree with some of the feelings in the first answer. It is as always a "you get what you pay for" scenario. Hassleblad sell high-end digital cameras - I do not think they want to jeopardize their reputation for quality in any way.

But to answer the question - here in France we see are often sold in supermarkets, digital cameras in the 100 € mark. This "end-end models from leading manufacturers. My wife bought a few months ago 8MP Nikon and I was very pleased with the results very satisfactory. It has the same features as my digital SLR many more expensive and produces image quality quite acceptable. The only problem with him (and any other small digital cameras), the display on the back, the very difficulty breathinglt, to see sunlight. It has a direct vision viewfinder, but that tends to the picture.

Mere Mortal said...

Yes, Lumix cameras well. Be careful with RAW mode for the best visual acuity that Panasonic it is very difficult to find when noise cancellation for JPEG-known algorithms.

You can check the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8. It is raw and a Leica lens. It seems that the trade of about $ 125 to $ 150 on eBay.

Zanthus said...

You get nothing with the word for Leica $ 100 ...

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