Zhumell 10-inch Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Manual Which Telescope Is Right For An Amateur User?

Which telescope is right for an amateur user? - zhumell 10-inch dobsonian reflector telescope manual

I'll buy my parents for Christmas a telescope, but could some clues as to what would be unfair to use them. They live in Arizona, a small town to retire, so I do not think that light pollution is a major problem. Her garden has a concrete slab that the previous owner used a telescope bolted to the floor, so that a flat surface around the perimeter instead. Not much different than step into and out of the house. I struggle between Zhumell Dobsonian Reflector (8 or 10 inches) or a Meade DS-2130LNT reflector. My parents are not high-tech smart, I will something make it easy for them and not to use too heavy and see the planets / stars / galaxies, etc. I am looking forward to 300 to spend - $ 500 but no indication of the difference between these areas. Any recommendation or an explanation for the difference between them would be appreciated (8 vs. 10 vs. Non-inch engine, etc..) Scope Other recommendations are also welcome. Thank you.


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